Content Strategy Example 1 :: Instagram

Today we’re starting a series of posts that will focus on good and timely content posted on various social media platforms. Hopefully this series will give you a better idea or new ideas to aid in your creation of content for your ministry’s social media accounts!


The first one we’ll look at is Instagram.

First, when creating and scheduling content, it’s important to know who’s on that platform and when.

The Who

Photo from Sprout Social


53% of 18–29 year olds use Instagram.
25% of 30–49 year olds use Instagram.
11% of 50–64 year olds use Instagram.
6% of people 65+ use Instagram.


29% of online females use Instagram.
22% of online males use Instagram.


31% of Instagram users have some college experience.
24% of Instagram users are college graduates.
23% of Instagram users are high school grads or less.

The When

A study was done in early 2015 by Latergramme to discover when people are engaging most on Instagram. The two following photos give us a picture of their findings.

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 9.11.50 AM
Photo from Huffington Post
Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 9.09.06 AM
Photo from Huffington Post

The Examples

Here I’m going to give you a preview of three examples of good content, taken from social media accounts of ministries I follow!

Advertising for an Event

Sozo Children is a nonprofit ministry here in Birmingham that I enjoy following and learning more about. Below you’ll see a post they put up not long ago advertising for an upcoming missions opportunity.


This is example is a good one because it provides efficient information, but also an emotional connection through the photo and the description of the trip.


Church of the Highlands, my home church, posts many of this type of post throughout each month. I always really enjoy reading them and I know my church family does, too.


This example is great because it allows the viewer an inside look of Shelby’s story. With such a large congregation at Highlands, Instagram provides an opportunity for storytelling and the connection of people that we may not see otherwise! As a church family, we are able to celebrate with Shelby even though we don’t know her personally.


Incourage, a company owned by DaySpring, is a blog site for women. I follow this account on Instagram mostly for the encouraging content.


This post is a good example in its simplicity, but also in its ability to catch the attention of the scroller with the graphic. The caption is short but meaningful and allows the viewer to meditate on the words because of the lack of length. It uplifts and adds a little love to their newsfeed.

+ + + +

I hope this post has given you some tidbits on how to better your Instagram account! Feel free to leave any comments or questions below.

Sources: Sprout Social, Huffington Post,

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